The Down Syndrome Act statutory guidance

This month, the UK government asked people with Down’s syndrome, their families and carers, and professionals to give their views on what they believe will improve the lives of people with Down’s Syndrome in England. Some of the key actions proposed by the RCSLT that the government must take are:

  • Improve accessibility of services, so that everyone with a communication and swallowing need is able to access speech and language therapy

  • Improve workforce planning, so that people with Down’s syndrome are supported by speech and language therapists with the right level of specialism

  • Better support for people with Down’s syndrome, so that they are involved in their care (e.g. expressing their preferences and wishes)

  • Sufficient resources for people with Down’s syndrome.

It is an important step in the right direction that the role of speech and language therapy has been recognised to provide evidence for this guidance. Follow these links for more information about the Down Syndrome Act statutory guidance: